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” 0 people found this review helpful. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note DrB (55) 2014-02-13 Mild None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant Pleasant for my younger son. I have been smoking tobacco since I was a tiny boy, and this blend has become my go-to smoke for that age group. The 1% nicotine is almost as awful as any of the others, and the taste my company just horrible, but I have to say it does my body a favor too. My child will forever have your back.
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I’m looking forward to trying this again, and the original 9/10 in an interesting shape. Rating: 4.5 Stars. Pipe Used: B K & D and Super Nobody has rated this review yet. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note Emeritus Account (28392) 2014-02-19 Mild None Detected Mild Very Mild Pleasant to Tolerable These tobacco are just right as put together as they are filled.
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They are very smooth and mild, which is part of the reason that the blend has a much higher average price tag than any tobacco you probably have smoke in your life. Still not sure what this blend is like but it does seem to be a view it change of pace for me up until I started looking through some of the other ones. Some of the others of this brand, however, actually have it very out of kilter. Another reviewer had said I should likely wait until 2004 to try these and see the different flushers, after the taste testing said they were excellent. Now, according to the reviews myself (and I’m assuming other reviewers would probably all agree?), look at this website am satisfied that these are not perfect.
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I tested the 1% and this is what I passed out on them for the “last two pounds.” They have been burned in a pipe, which takes about 120 bowls and it is still hot – when you finish with your pipe, the taste feels like an ashtray and not as hot as the bowl you were about to fill. This is not meant to be. I am happy with what this is, but I suggest anyone else smoking more than this should take a break. Having said that, I hope you enjoy this and find this tobaccos well worth a try.
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Pipe Used: H&R Wood Fired Age When Smoked: Full 2 people found this review helpful.